Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 12/29/14

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

As the year draws to a close and everyone is making their New Year’s resolutions, take some time to consider how you want your business and life to be different in 2015 and beyond.

Bill Gates famously said, “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”

In terms of getting things done, my mother was a big proponent of just putting one foot in front of the other. 

Don’t look at the big mountain you have to climb. Instead, with your larger goal in mind, start by taking the first step. It might be as small as taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Earlier this year, I read The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business and found the idea of substituting a “good” habit for a “bad” one an easy way to start to move towards achieving important goals.  For example, I improved my cholesterol numbers by making small changes to my diet.

So as you look ahead to 2015, think in terms of changing your habits and making small steps on a regular basis to achieve your goals.

Wishing you the best for 2015. 

Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen


2014 Content Marketing Highlights

Posted on by Heidi Cohen in Content Marketing

10 Content Marketing Lessons Learned

social media video contentIn 2014, content marketing became must-have marketing.

The metric: Content Marketing World 2014 attendance. (BTW, if you missed CMW2014, get the full videos and soak up the knowledge.) This industry event went from useful to must attend.

This content trend is fueled by 2 interrelated factors: Continue reading

Top 10 Social Media Highlights of 2014 (Charts)

Posted on by Heidi Cohen in Social Media

24 Social Media Tactics You Need To Get Ready For 2015

24 Social Media Tactics You Need To Get Ready For 2015As a marketer you can’t avoid social media.

Using Mad Men logic, you have to be where your target audience spends their time.

In the US, adults spend over an hour a day consuming social media content according to eMarketer. Continue reading